The Sopranos Toodle-Oo Episode

The Sopranos Toodle-Oo: What Was that? The Veal was Excellent.

richie aprile telling livia soprano that somebody someone is going to wash out her mouth with soap.
Season 2, Ep. 3 "Toodle-Oo"

Toodle-F*cking-Oo: What the f*ck was that?! I don’t know, but the veal was excellent. Naturally, that brings me to one of my favorite episodes of The Sopranos. Read my take on why the veal is excellent  and other important lessons from The Sopranos Toodle-Oo. Ya hear that, Ton’? I said, “Read my take on why the veal is excellent and other lessons from Toodle-F*cking-Oo.” 

"I'm still petitioning the State Department, but I think they have me on their enemy radicals list."
Janice Soprano talking to Tony Soprano out by the pool
-Janice Soprano
S2, E3 "Toodle-F**kin-Oo

So, Toodle-Oo...

Dr. Melfi is talking to Dr. Elliott Kupferberg about seeing Tony at a restaurant.
Dr. Melfi speaks to her therapist about Tony.

First, I’ll turn to the episode’s namesake, “Toodle-Oo.” After Dr. Melfi tells Tony to get out of her life in “Guy Walks Into a Psychiatrist’s Office,” he respects her wishes. That is, until she bumps into him at a local restaurant.

Although not much conversation takes place, Dr. Melfi is mortified by what she referred to as actions of a “ditzy young girl” who had regressed into the “girl thing” to escape her responsibility for abandoning a patient. While it may seem wild that Melfi believes she was the one in the wrong, I know I’ve done the same thing in my own life. It’s often easier to blame yourself for someone’s actions than face the reality of what someone has done to you.

Old Habits Die Hard on The Sopranos

richie aprile is talking to janice soprano at livia soprano's rehab facility.

Next, speaking of horrible actions, “Toodle-F*cking-Oo” is where we meet the infamous Richie Aprile. I should say right off the bat that Richie Aprile is an acquired taste. It’s hard to fully appreciate the shiver up your spine that Richie triggers until you look back in hindsight. Look, I’m not saying Richie doesn’t know how to do downward dog. I just somehow don’t believe that he’s really Mr. Zen after seeing him turn Beansie Gaeta into a paraplegic soon after his arrival.

"Paolucc', this isn't the Bing."

tony and the guys are eating dinner at a restaurant.

Similarly, I can’t forget to mention the post-Toodle-Oo table chatter amongst the guys. Paulie Walnuts had one of his Paulie Walnuts “repeat the line” moments. Here, it was in reference to a joke he made about Sil and his first blowjob. Good news! Even though Puss doesn’t work at the body shop anymore, I’m sure his wife would be happy to pop those dents. 

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Toodle-Oo Tree

Milk spilling in the kitchen out of a pot.
Meadow and Hunter in the Sopranos kitchen, Season 2, Ep. 3 "Toodle-F**kin-Oo" (HBO)

In addition to Janice, The Sopranos Toodle-Oo demonstrated that Meadow really was Tony’s daughter.  By that, I mean she knew just what to say to manipulate her parents into thinking they’d actually “punished” her. Tony knows this, as evidenced by his comment to Carmela that “they’re f*cked” if Meadow knows they’re powerless. Oh, the irony! 

For example, When I heard Meadow say she “could have taken ecstasy but didn’t,” I say to myself, “But you did take speed last year!” I don’t even mean that in a judgmental way. It’s just interesting that Tony never brought that up, although I guess he wanted to keep it a secret from Carmela.  He wasn’t really worried about Meadow, so perhaps it just wasn’t top of mind.

Junior Soprano at the doctor's office
Season 2, Episode 3, "Toodle-f**cking-Oo"

Another interesting moment in “Toodle-Oo” takes me back to Junior and also ties in Richie. At Junior’s cardiologist appointment, Dr. Schreck assures him the “little fibrillations” he’s feeling are psychosomatic. You know, the mind-body connection! As we learn in the following season, Junior’s ailments are not merely psychosomatic, but for now it’s just a little heart trouble (famous last words).

A Walk Down Memory Lane: Pimp's Beep!

junior soprano is talking to richie aprile at the doctor's office.

In sum, The Sopranos Toodles-F**in-Oo (season two, episode three) was huge in terms of its introduction of the classic Richie Aprile. What were your Toodle-Oo takeaways, and do you enjoy this episode as much as I do? Let’s connect online – I’d love to hear from you! 

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