A picture with four boxes of tony soprano's facial expressions.

Sopranos Blueprint

Check out the latest Sopranos memes and gifs on Sopranos Blueprint from the week of October 12-October 19! Enjoy, and feel free to save and share (just please tag me if you do). 🙂

Sopranos Gifs

christopher is telling tony that when the guy pulled the trigger, he almost pooped in his pants.
junior soprano is running from police at a funeral.
tony soprano is having a nightmare about gloria trillo.
christopher is drinking a cup of espresso at satriale's.
a woman is yelling at her husband to get the detective's phone number on the fridge.
emil kolar is haunting christopher moltisanti in christopher's nightmare.

Sopranos Memes

Sometimes, you just need a moment to pause and reflect.

A picture with four boxes of tony soprano's facial expressions.
Season 4, Episode 6, "Everybody Hurts"

…Just kidding, who’s got time for that?!

Tony Soprano is staring up at the ceiling with a slightly scared look.
Season 4, Episode 6, "Everybody Hurts"

No, you don’t have a shot with Janice, but you’ll get plenty from Tony, Sil, and Paulie in the next episode.

big puss is asking janice if he doesn't have a shot anymore.
Season 2, Episode 12, "The Knight in White Satin Armor"

When they ask how often you watch The Sopranos.

silvio is telling irina that he's seen it a million times.
Season 2, Episode 12, "The Knight in White Satin Armor"

When the coffee isn't kicking in quickly enough.

christopher is in satriale's holding a cup of espresso.
Season 1, Episode 8, "The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti"

Happy Autumn!

tony says "You smell that? It's autumn!"
Season 6, Episode 9, "The Ride"

Speaking of red flags, isn't that a new meme or something?

davey scatino asking if something will raise a red flag with the travel agency.
Season 2, Episode 10, "Bust Out"

It's almost Halloween, so remember to watch out for those ghosts (especially the ones that are sleeping with the fishes).

A.J. soprano tells his dad to watch out for the ghosts as they play video games.
Season 1, Episode 4, "Meadowlands"
tony soprano is asking if there is a trick picture out there.
Season 1, Episode 3, "Denial, Anger, Acceptance"
christopher and paulie are talking about the NFL.
S2, E1, "Guy Walks Into a Psychiatrist's Office" (left) and S3, E3, "Fortunate Son" (right)

That's all for now. Stay tuned for plenty more!

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